Create Alchemy

You are a sacred creator and it is time for you to share your passion with the world. Your sacred gift as a co-creator is the ability to envision your future and make it a reality. You can use your skills, your hands, your mind and your heart to turn your idea into physical matter – and bring it into reality. You are a powerful alchemist, and you are ready to put pieces of desire, will, intention and action together to make your gold!

You are about to step into a time of great potential.

What will you do with it?

When this card shows up in your spread, there is a window of opportunity to engage in your own evolution. These fleeting moments can change your awareness of Self and experience profound inner change. Some call it ascension, others call it frequency shifts, and others think of it as upgrades in consciousness. Whatever you choose to call it, it doesn’t change the fact that at your core you are ready to up-level!

Try to remain on your highest vibe over the next few days so you can take advantage of this creator potential.

It’s time to fuse the skills of your past with the desires of your future. Put the pieces of your life together in unique and extraordinary ways, and create a new level of life for yourself. An old hobby, relationship, idea or habit will be what gives this activation the perfect blend of past and future it needs and listen deeply to the things that bring you joy, using them as a roadmap for what comes next.