Magic happens when you most expect it!

One needs to expect magic to happen in order to prime the pump and bring it in. Actually, one needs to be actively waiting and watching for it. Magic and serendipity show up in your life all the time. Yet they often surface in ways that we least expect them to.

Think of planting a seed. A magic bean, if you will. No matter how magic that bean is, it’s probably not going to fare very well if you keep digging it up everyday to check in on its progress. And you won’t be faring very well by spending all of your energy checking in and second-guessing its growth. A much better plan after you set the intention is to simply remember to water it and to trust it to grow.

Here’s where it gets delightfully fun: along the way, fully rooted in your new mindset of magic is happening, you will be sent signs to validate your magic. Prepare for a few oh-my goddess holy sh*t it’s working moments. You will receive offers, opportunities, freebies, serendipitous hellos, and all the guiding help you need along the way. It’s already there and it’s waiting for you to get clear on your intention and to take action. So make a commitment to look for it! If you are already looking, maybe it’s time to start writing the signs down.

Actively co-create and build upon the magic of serendipity. Take stock, list the amazing things that have been happening, and get out into the world with eyes wide open for your next magic message.